Saturday, May 23, 2020


Hidy ho, crafty peeps!!

I bet y'all have a bazillion questions about this place. Ok, maybe you only have like 3 questions.  I'll do my best to predict and answer as many as I can.

You're probably wondering why I created a whole new blog when I have a perfectly good one just sitting there collecting dust over at Left Field Studio. I was planning on re-designing Left Field, but I hit a mental roadblock a couple of years ago and just couldn't seem to "git er done". Besides, I pretty much abandoned it anyway. I got so tired of trying to clean out the dust bunnies that would accumulate in there, that I decided to just give Left Field to those dusty rabbits.  I'm by no means relinquishing Left Field Studio. I'm just sort of... branching out.

I have been so uninspired for so very long. The current Covid situation isn't helping fuel my creative mojo either. So, I decided I need a fresh start...starting from scratch...with a fresh drawing board, and squeaky-clean slate.

I was pondering what to call my new blog. I tried on many different names like someone trying to buy a new pair of shoes... but none of them fit, and some of them were downright awful. I looked for inspiration everywhere...and what finally struck me came from a very unlikely source.

My disaster of a craft room.

That's right, the inspiration for this blog was born from my rat's nest of a studio. The term 'hoarder' keeps murmuring in my subconscious, like the cacaphony of the susurrus at a cocktail party you're attending but would rather not be. I tried very hard not to acquiesce to this whispering.

That's when it hit me.

I'm not a hoarder...because it's not hoarding when it's a 'collection'.

I'M A MAGPIE!!!   

I can embrace being a magpie! I can revel in it, foster it, and pay it the respect it's due.

So, there ya have it.

WELCOME to the Creative Magpie Collection of Shinies!!

I wanted these new "digs" to look different from, while still being reminiscent of, Left Field Studio. So you'll notice some similarities in the feel and color scheme of the header and signatures artwork. But this time....THIS TIME...I animated the header!

Yes. I. Did!!

I'm honestly surprised I still remember how. 

I apologize if it lags out your computer or your phone...or if it causes seizures. Let me know if it does...and I might be able to tweak it a bit. Maybe.

Similar to Left Field, you'll find shiny bits of creativity here in the form of crafting, art, photography, writing, recipes, and who knows what else my magpie muse will inspire me to do.

Thanks for coming to visit me.

Be sure to check back...I'm not done setting this place up yet...more bells, whistles, and sparkly bits coming.

Shiny hugs and blessings!



  1. Beautiful site, and your words mesmerize me. Looking forward to your shiny bits of Torrey! - Amber

  2. Congratulations on your shiny new site! I'm so excited that you'll be posting again!

  3. Glad to see some of the creative juices flowing again....beautifully done my friend. Love ya


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